The Australian Federal Government’s FY23 spending saw a notable downturn, significantly manifested in the Department of Defence. Despite allotting contracts worth $27.5 billion to over five thousand vendors, the department experienced an 18% spending drop compared to the last fiscal year. Nevertheless, as of this report’s publication, the Department of Defence stands as the nation’s top-spending government department. It has over eleven thousand active contracts valued at $170 billion, making up 41% of all other Federal Government departments and agencies’ active contract value.


  • $27.5 billion awarded by Department of Defence in FY23.
  • 2.7 billion in spending under the Military rotary wing aircraft procurement category
  • 18% decline in the department’s spend compared to FY22
  • 40% year-on-year cumulative decline with the Big Four consulting firms
  • Sitzler received 21% of $2.7 billion in Building construction and support and maintenance and repair services procurement category

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